Catalogue of Incunabula of the Strahov Library in Prague

VOIT, Petr. Catalogue of Incunabula of the Strahov Library in Prague. Translated by Jitka Jendruchová and Marion Nejedlá. First edition. Prague: Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov, 2015. 1335 pages. Bibliotheca Strahoviensis. Series monographica, 6. ISBN 978-80-88009-05-4.

Cover of the publication
Cover of the publication

The Catalogue of Incunabula of the Strahov Library includes 1578 bibliographic titles found in 1214 book volumes. The book concludes with 501 color photographs, mostly full-page, of book bindings, decorative illuminations, miniatures, provenance notes, or attached woodcuts and fragments of old prints.

Available in Czech language.