Blessing of the house on the eve of the Epiphany 2021

On the Feast of the Epiphany, we bless incense, water, and chalk, which we then use to bless our homes.

We walk through the house and bless its spaces.
We walk through the house and bless its spaces.

Created on: 5. 1. 2021

Because God's glory was visibly revealed in Jesus Christ (Epiphany), it is meant to be revealed everywhere, including in our homes and apartments. The blessing is meant to show people, who often feel homeless, that God Himself dwells in their home. And where God dwells, people can find a home too.

On the Feast of the Epiphany, we write a sign consisting of three letters, K+M+B, and the new year on the upper doorframe with blessed chalk. In popular belief, these are the initials of the three wise men, Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. However, it actually stands for the Latin blessing: "Christus mansionem benedicat," which means, "May Christ bless this house." This is how we bless our own house every year. We thank Brother Václav for the photographs.

Kategorie: 2021 believers


Blessing of water, incense, and chalk in the chapel
Blessing of water, incense, and chalk in the chapel
From the house blessing
From the house blessing
From the house blessing
From the house blessing
From the house blessing