Feast of Christ the King

The last Sunday of the liturgical year is dedicated to the Feast of Christ the King. We invite you to relive the atmosphere of this celebration through several photographs from the event.

Shot from the Mass celebrated on the Feast of Christ the King on Sunday, November 26, 2023.
Shot from the Mass celebrated on the Feast of Christ the King on Sunday, November 26, 2023.

Created on: 26. 11. 2023

The Feast of Christ the King was established by Pope Pius XI on December 11, 1925, with the encyclical Quas primas. He wanted to respond to the 1600th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea. Although he could have written a document or an encyclical, he did not see this as effective because a document would just be read and then set aside. In his own words: because it is necessary to extend as far as possible the royal dignity of our Redeemer, nothing seems more effective than the establishment of a special feast of Christ the King. For feasts have a greater effect than some documents of the teaching office because they instruct all the faithful, not once, but annually, and they touch not only the spirit but also the heart (article 603 of Quas primas).

God, you nourish us with the bread of life and call us
to faithfully serve Christ, the King of heaven and earth;
help us to persevere in this service until the end,
so that we may live eternally with Him in the heavenly kingdom.

We thank Brother Jindřich Zdík for taking the photographs.

Kategorie: 2023 believers


From the Mass of the Feast of Christ the King
From the Mass of the Feast of Christ the King
From the Mass of the Feast of Christ the King