Nativity Scene Exhibition at the Strahov Abbey

On January 12, Ms. Martina Řehořová from the project Human and Faith visited the Strahov Monastery and captured the ongoing exhibition.

The Nativity Scene Exhibition took place at the Strahov Monastery from December 21 to February 4, 2024.
The Nativity Scene Exhibition took place at the Strahov Monastery from December 21 to February 4, 2024.

Created on: 13. 1. 2024

Her camera captured not only the beauty of the nativity scenes but also the splendor of our monastery. For those who feel the Christmas season passed too quickly, this exhibition, which ends on February 4, 2024, offers a chance to revisit its essence. After all, the mystery of the incarnation and the message that "God is always with us" remains ever relevant.

We thank Martina Řehořová and the Human and Faith project.

Kategorie: 2024 believers public


A look into the exhibition space
A look into the exhibition space
A look into the exhibition space
A look into the exhibition space
Detail from the exhibition
Detail from the exhibition
Detail from the exhibition
Detail from the exhibition
Detail from the exhibition
Detail from the exhibition
Detail from the exhibition
Detail from the exhibition
Detail from the exhibition
Detail from the exhibition
Detail from the exhibition
Detail from the exhibition
Detail from the exhibition
Christmas atmosphere of the Abbey
Christmas atmosphere of the Abbey
Christmas atmosphere of the Abbey
Christmas atmosphere of the Abbey