The beginning of the European Meeting on Synodality at Strahov.

From February 5th to 12th, 2023, the European Synodality Meeting in the Church took place in Prague.

Entrance procession to the Holy Mass.
Entrance procession to the Holy Mass.

Created on: 5. 2. 2023

The opening Holy Mass on February 5th at 7 p.m. took place at Strahov, celebrated by Archbishop Jan Graubner. Our Strahov school also sang during this Holy Mass. We bring you several photographs from this event...

We thank Brother Václav for taking the photographs.

Kategorie: 2023 believers


From the Holy Mass that inaugurated the Synod.
From the Holy Mass that inaugurated the Synod.
From the Holy Mass that inaugurated the Synod.
From the Holy Mass that inaugurated the Synod.
From the Holy Mass that inaugurated the Synod.
From the Holy Mass that inaugurated the Synod.
From the Holy Mass that inaugurated the Synod.
From the Holy Mass that inaugurated the Synod.
From the Holy Mass that inaugurated the Synod.