Sundial in the Milevsko Monastery complex

In 2010, a decision was made to restore the wall sundial on the building of the Latin School in Milevsko. It underwent a long and extensive reconstruction, which was completed in 2010. Based on historical photographs and the study of historical documents, the original appearance of the monument was determined, and it was restored to its original condition. At the same time, the sundial was professionally calibrated to continue serving its purpose as a timekeeper.

Sundial on the Latin School in the Milevsko Monastery complex.

Sundial in Milevsko

The Latin School building underwent a complete and costly restoration from 1994 to 2006 and now serves as a cultural and parish center. During the restoration of the northeast wall's facade, a smooth field (mirror) was left in the place where the original clock was located. The design of the clock referred to Eugene of Savoy's victory over the Turks at Belgrade in 1717.

Since the original clock did not survive, a design was created based on archival materials by experts from the Strahov Monastery, PhDr. Hedvika Kuchařová and Pavel Šrotýř, which respects the original dimensions of the clock and the preserved part of the upper inscription ribbon. They proposed to place on the upper part again the inscription: "Belgradi caesa est lvna per evgenium" (At Belgrade, the crescent was defeated by Eugene). Below the dial, the inscription to be placed is: "Post qvinqvaqinta annos cedit tibi iterato o avstria victore gideone laudon luna" (After fifty years, the crescent again surrenders to you, O Austria, by the victory of Gideon Laudon), just as it was in the past. Both inscriptions contain the chronograms 1717 and 1789.

The correct function of the clock was measured by Mr. Ing. M. Nosek. Mr. Nosek measured the wall's azimuth, proposed the restoration of the clock lines, and carried out the measurement of the gnomonic parts on site in collaboration with the restorer.

Restorer: academic painter Petr Hampl
Implementation: 2010
Reg. number ÚSKP: 39572/3-2609

Financial contributors to the restoration included
  • Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov
  • South Bohemian Regional Office
Restoration process

A rectangular area on the facade of the Latin School was filled and stabilized with a fixing spray. A drawing according to the submitted design was made on the prepared surface. Lime-based paints were used for the actual implementation. The painting was finally treated with a hydrophobic coating.

Summary and final condition after restoration

The reconstruction of the Sundial was carried out according to the Mandatory Opinion of the South Bohemian Regional Office. You can get a closer look at the final appearance in the attached photographs.


Original photograph of the clock from 1971
Year 2009
Implementation of the new design in 2010
Current condition, year 2014